October 27, 2012

Almost over!

October 27, 2012
        Wow, i can't believe how long it has been since i have written anything. Well we are almost done with this chapter and on to a new one. You will finally be coming home after 10 long months. I will be seeing you in 8 days....days, not weeks or months its days! these past 10 months have been the hardest longest months we have ever had to face, for all of us! Im am so glad i will be seeing u soon. I love u so much and i have missed u so much!

February 14, 2012

Special Day

Hey love just want to say Happy Anniverary and Valentines day. The kids and I celebrated it of course with a little help from our neighbor. I decorated the apartment and made them hamburgers, nachos, cheese sticks, cookies, cup cakes and of course some tea to drink. It was alot of fun and they liked it. This is something we are going to have to do with them and make it a family affair every year. We miss you so much and hope to visit soon. Thank you for the cards and the flowers. We love you!

January 23, 2012

Oh Happy Day

Just a short note to say that Mino, your life has made an amazing impact on my father's life.  He talks about you every day and today, he wrote you a two and a half page letter, sharing the news that he is reading his Bible and a story that you will read when your letter arrives.  Remember how we prayed for my parents?  Well, those prayers are being answered big-time!

He tears up when he thinks of how you have taken responisibility for your actions and the testimony that that choice will bring in the future to your children and the people he has you with now.

Having Bert here every week is a wonderful reminder of what a great dad you are and what joy your kids bring to this world...thank you for finding the woman of your dreams and making such beautiful babies!!!  And thank you, Christina, for letting us enjoy him.  Sooo much fun~

We are reallllllly looking forward to getting a letter from you.  We'll continue to write weekly, but please try to write back, if you can.

Your family and friend,
The Smiths

January 17, 2012


 I felt the sorrow of the day fall around me as I had the knowledge of  Mino being dropped off. The focus was on work, but in the back of my mind were my good friends and their last "see you agains". I can't say goodbyes because those are forever. This is definately not that, but I can not imagine the anticipation that makes it feel like forever. I want to say, "I know how you might feel", but I really don't. What I can say is, " I am good at listening."  So I'm lending my ear and my heart as well. Whenever you need to vent I'm here. No hesitations day or night. I do well with little sleep so if you are struggling at 2am, I'm available. Of course your children are welcome to sleepover whenever you need a break as well. Love you Christina and Mino! You are certainly not alone this next thirteen months.

January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday My Love

 WOW 31 yrs old!!! Your still young. Even though your not here to celebrate your birthday we celebrated it for you. The kids sang "happy birthday" as if you were here and they had fun doing it. I just want to say thank you for being the husband that God has called you to be, eventhough sometimes i may be a little difficult you still love me for who i am and the way God has wired me and for always standing beside me. I wish you were here with me but i know God has a plan for the both of us. Hes only going to make us stronger and right now your being the light in a dark place. I am so proud of you for doing Gods work. I love you so much and shine bright baby!!

Happy Birthday, Mino!

Just wanted you to know that you're being celebrated today, on your thirty-first birthday!!!  Your kiddos had a delicious looking cake...hope they didn't eat it all! 
What did you do?  I had to take care of my mom because dad is in the VA hospital with bronchitis!  But, being in the hospital is a good thing!  He has to REST!  That's something he doesn't get enough of~
Well, I love you and am praying daily for your safety, opportunities to be light and salt and for your time alone with Daddy to be fruitful and deep!

January 15, 2012

My Brother and Friend: We're Facing Our Lord

I remember the first time I met Mino. I think it was a little over a year ago. I was at Grace Point, greeting at the 10:00 service and he was hanging out in the foyer. I was glad for the company. I don't remember why, but we started talking about eating rabbit. He described it for me and we were laughing together instantly. He is friendly, easy to talk to and his smile is contagious. Mino became my friend that day.

I walked into Ron and Moe's house not knowing anybody and feeling shy. Many people started arriving, none of whom I knew, until Mino and Christina walked in. Mino shared with our life group and, over the weeks, the strength of his convictions became clear. He has overcome so much for someone so young, but he couldn't be more enthusiastic about following the path Jesus set him on. Mino became my brother in Christ and such an inspiration to me.

I didn't share for months because I am painfully shy and that lingers a looooooong time. Mino drew me out by just being himself. I remember helping Wayne move and conversations with Mino about life, Grace Point and our life group between heavy lifting, packing and loading. He introduced me to K-LOVE and his faith continued to be uplifting, especially when he told me about a court date looming in August.

I love my brother Mino because he continues to face the Lord and he brings me along. I know that his new journey is temporary and that he will devote his energy to inspire others as he has me. I also know that is it in these times, God loves us the most and wants up to move closer to him. I have shed many tears this week, but I will not stay in this moment long, because it is not good to linger in sadness. Our paths have only changed by a small distance and a short time my brother. We are still facing our Lord.

January 14, 2012

His first week is almost over...

Christina spoke to Mino yesterday and he informed her there aren't ANY CHRISTIANS IN PRISON...NOT ONE!
He also told her there isn't ONE Bible, either!  So, Wayne Scott has sent one today via Amazon.com.

His mission field is wide open! 

His birthday is tomorrow, too. He received a card from Moe yesterday that brightened his day tremendously and there are lots more on the way!
Please pray for his heart to be strengthened by grace as he trusts in His heavenly Father.
This blog is in honor of our dear friend and brother, Mino. 

He may be behind bars, but he is a free man in Jesus Christ.

There are many voices on this blog, all representing hearts that are diligently praying for Mino while he serves time in prsion. 
Each will share, at times, their feelings, thoughts, concerns, victories and testimonies of the power of God working in their lives so that Mino as well as those reading these pages will be encouraged.
Thanks for stopping by and do visit often.

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